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Our complete setup to start streaming at a lower cost!

Our complete setup to start streaming at a lower cost!

Do you dream of starting to stream on Twitch or YouTube and want to know more about the necessary equipment? You are in the right place ! Discover our complete SETUP to quickly launch very good streams and manage your lives like the pros at a lower cost. Find all the...
Tips for Streaming Live Video Over the Internet

Tips for Streaming Live Video Over the Internet

By the year 2023, video will account for 82 percent of Internet traffic; Of that figure, 17 percent will correspond to live video, a modality that is gaining more and more followers on networks such as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. This is stated in a...
Broadcast live on YouTube. Go live with YouTube

Broadcast live on YouTube. Go live with YouTube

Broadcast live on YouTube. Broadcast live with YouTube. Broadcasting live is very simple, you just have to know what are the tools and services designed so that its configuration is not such a complex task. YouTube has become a very popular platform for live...
Bandwidth for streaming video production

Bandwidth for streaming video production

WHAT IS THE BANDWIDTH FOR STREAMING VIDEO PRODUCTION? One of the things that anyone who wants to stream asks themselves is about the bandwidth needs that this activity will require. In this article we are going to offer answers to that question, or at least give you...