Have you noticed that the management of social networks is essential for companies and even professionals to stand out. If you continued reading, we think you’ll be able to learn even more about social media management and that you can differentiate yourself from those who don’t have the same vision. We therefore share some tips that can be useful in managing social networks!
Define the persona
Without defining the persona, copywriters, designers, support and other professionals who manage social networks do not know who to communicate with. This means that applied communication tends to get dull or even confused. Be that as it may, it does not contribute to your online performance.
However, many companies, especially medium and small ones, do not define a persona. In other cases, what many do is just define the target audience. Do you know what the difference is?
Target audience consists of a group of people with defined behavioral and psychographic data. For example, ”woman between 30 and 45 years old, class C and residing on the outskirts of Lisbon’. This contributed to age, gender, geographic and social class segmentation.
You can be even more specific with your persona definition. For example, ”Ana Maria, 32 years old, mother and looking for extra income or financial independence”. This delimitation can be made based on market research.
In addition to this, there is other valuable information that can be added to direct communication. This is the case of family, professional history, consumption preferences, among others. By doing so, you have the foundations to produce digital content that appeals to your persona.
Content aligned with the persona
For example, imagine that your company offers products for resale. To attract the last described persona, there are some suggestions for titles for publications that can be adopted, such as:
- learn how to choose the best products for resale;
- discover how to profit more from reselling;
- the best option for entrepreneurs: why company X is reliable;
Buyer persona X brand persona
Have you realized how important it is to define a persona. But what is the best alternative between buyer persona and brand persona? The best strategy is to create both. That is, the first refers to the definition of your ideal client and the second to the personification of the brand.
By having these two definitions at hand, social media management can be more efficient. This is because the management team knows exactly what suits the brand and the customer. Consequently, content production and service are more aligned with demand, which increases the likelihood of success.
Set goals
The dream of any business, when investing in social media management, aim for increased profit. However, it is necessary to go beyond this objective and stipulate more specific ones for each action on social networks. Otherwise, the management of these environments becomes just the sum of random publications.
Attract traffic
Attracting traffic to social networks means that there is more of an audience that pays attention to your publications. Consequently, the volume of sales also tends to increase. If this is the objective of your brand, it is important that the strategies developed are designed to attract the public. This can involve both organic and paid traffic, depending on the company’s budget.
In the latter case, you make a payment so that specific publications appear to more people, such as those who do not follow your profile. Thus, if the person who views your publications is your persona, it is possible that they will visit your page. Therefore, it is essential to know how to segment the audience that will receive paid traffic content, which is the responsibility of the traffic manager.
However, attracting visitors is only the first step. Once you’ve managed to draw attention, you need to prove that your profile is worthy of your attention. This encourages people to interact with the content on your page. Therefore, focus on the continuous production of qualified content aligned with the interests of the persona.
strengthen the brand
Typically, brands set this goal when they can already attract traffic without much difficulty. Soon, the focus becomes the strengthening of the corporate image. Thus, it is possible to avoid gradually becoming obsolete or losing its authority in the market.
Keep in mind, too, that just being known is not enough. It is important to be the authority brand in the market. This is the crucial factor when consumers choose one company over another. With increased competition, this goal may become more difficult.
So, to strengthen your brand, social media management must overcome the challenges. Does your brand promote actions on commemorative dates? Record these moments and share them on social media. This is a strategy to work on the corporate image.
Loyalty of followers
Philip Kotler, the father of marketing, said that keeping a customer can be cheaper than acquiring new ones. Or, if you prefer a popular expression, ”a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush’. This reinforces the importance of retaining followers, which can be another goal in social media management.
Loyal customers should be valued, as loyalty is not a perpetual act. Given this, the strategic actions built for this purpose can promote greater interaction in comments and messages, for example.
Furthermore, it is possible to think of special discounts and promotions for this audience, such as a loyalty card. Last but not least, be sure to retain new customers. Prioritize loyal customers, but it’s always important to think of methods that help and increase reach.
Increased sales
It is possible to increase the profitability of a business by expanding the possibilities of sales directly on social networks. Instagram, for example, has features such as Instagram Shopping, which exposes available products that can be sold in the application itself.
The logic works similarly to Facebook’s Marketplace, which enables direct trading through this social network. There are other resources available where social networks facilitate sales. This is the case of inserting links offered by Instagram that can direct users to landing pages, sales on WhatsApp, etc.
Generate leads
Using social networks to keep your customers even closer can be another objective of managing these channels. This is because it is possible to have facilitated communication, by understanding which followers may be closer to the purchase decision.
This information is valuable for strategies to be correctly targeted. Therefore, your chances of sales, loyalty and strengthening of the brand must be enhanced.
So, know that some ways to generate leads with social media management is to produce and share content, such as e-books. The next step is to encourage the public to download it in exchange for basic data, such as an email address.
Educate the market
Stimulating market education is a practice that is often neglected by small and medium-sized companies on social networks. However, doing this is a mistake that can hinder the objectives mentioned above. After all, for people to feel attracted, buy and become loyal to a brand, they must understand its real value.
Some businesses are harder to get that message across than others. For example, as a marketer , you’ve probably struggled to explain what you do and why your work matters.
However, if the public does not understand what, how and why your work exists, how will they hire your product/service? The same logic is applied when buying and selling any other product or service.
In view of this, social media management strategies can involve developing content that educates the market. Therefore, the higher the level of content nurturing on a subject, the more likely someone will be converted into a customer.
Track the metrics
After knowing more about setting goals in social media management, you should take the next step. The same consists of monitoring performance metrics. We talked about them at the beginning of the article, remember?
Despite its importance, many companies, especially SMEs, ignore or do not know how to analyze data correctly. However, not tracking metrics is like driving to an unknown location without a map or GPS. The results of this trajectory can even be good.
But in the business world and with the dynamism of social networks, it is not recommended to rely on luck. And yet, if it is based on wrong data, such as vanity metrics, for example, it also brings losses. So, find out how to get away from these kinds of problems!
Define KPI’S
Key Performance Indicators (KPI) are digital marketing metrics that contribute to the analysis of the performance of strategies defined in social networks. Thus, the choice of the most suitable KP’S depends on the objectives previously chosen.
For example, the engagement metric is one of the options for analyzing brand strength and traffic attraction. However, the same cannot be said if the goal of social media management is to generate leads. In any case, it is essential not to consider an isolated metric. The analysis must cross different data for greater depth.
After all, the engagement metric, such as reacting to publications, may be insufficient to show brand strengthening if there are not other interactions as well. And yet, it is necessary to carry out qualitative research to know the feeling of the public. This is because users can interact with a profile, but is their direction positive or negative?
Include relevant metrics in planning
You have already defined more relevant metrics for your objective and made a cautious analysis when it comes to business performance. Now it’s time to build these results into your planning.
After all, text, image, service method and other actions on social networks cannot be randomly defined.
It may often be necessary to implement A/B tests to understand which is the best performing approach. For a better understanding of the results, establish performance goals, according to the reality of your company.