Video recordings of events are becoming more and more widespread. You still have to succeed! Because what’s worse than low-end video with poor sound quality to broadcast the event you’ve been working on for months?
Fortunately, Eventdrive is there to help you avoid making mistakes and gives you valuable advice for successful video recording of your future event.
Take the time to determine the option that best suits your event
Timing is very important in choosing your online event. You have two choices: live or pre-recorded. Among these choices, there are several ways to broadcast your event. Either you stream 100% live, or you stream entirely pre-recorded, or you do a mix of the two.
Broadcasting your event live is the closest option to an in-person event. It’s authentic and allows your participants to have a real event experience and to interact in real time with the other participants as well as with the speaker. We strongly recommend this option.
Pre-recorded broadcast at a given time is an option to consider for those who want to master how to transmit messages orally. With a pre-recorded video you can correct your speech if necessary. You benefit from several possible covers, unlike live. Be careful that your video does not look like a webinar. For this, it will be necessary to prepare its speakers well .
Another option is to mix live and pre-recorded. You can very easily film your event beforehand and at the end of the pre-recorded video intervene to do a live Q&A. This will allow you to be more flexible and provide a better experience for your attendees.
Choose shooting mode
To film your event and broadcast live, you have two options. You can simply opt for the camera of your computer: the speaker speaks in front of his screen. This shooting mode is very easy to set up and requires little financial investment. However, it may seem a little too “simple” for your audience. It is therefore important to clearly determine what message you want to convey.
This method nevertheless has the advantage of bringing a feeling of rapprochement between the speaker and his audience. There is, of course, a screen that separates the interlocutors, but the listener can have the feeling that the speaker is addressing him directly.
Alternatively, you can use a professional camera to record your event. External cameras generally have the advantage of offering better image quality. It also allows you to make wider shots. You can also use several of them in order to have different angles of view, and make the change during the video transmission. The speaker can then make his presentation from a stage. It is for this reason that this shooting mode is preferred for hybrid events.
An intermediate bonus option: a streaming camera with a ring of light. Both affordable and practical, it is a tool that will offer better video quality, and better brightness to improve visibility for your participants. You will therefore not need to set up a complex setup!
Getting ready before the big day
Preparation is essential before embarking on capturing your live event. Before the big day, remember to check that your equipment is working properly. If you use a professional camera, check that it is well suited to the kinds of scenes you want to shoot.
Same thing for the equipment that will record the sounds. Make sure they are compatible with your cameras for example. Finally, think about the batteries, it would be a shame to only have the opening speech on video, because you don’t have enough autonomy…
If it is a video that will be broadcast live, it is important to take into consideration technical details such as the location of the cameras, the light or the noise pollution. These sorts of things can easily be fixed if you can shoot multiple scenes, but for a live action, everything has to be right the first time. So don’t leave luck to chance and take the time to check these aspects before shooting.
Finally, think about determining the style of your video. Do you want a very professional, polished looking video? Or on the contrary, do you prefer a more relaxed video with focus changes and more fun animation? It is important to determine these details in advance to save time on the day of shooting.
Integrate guest reactions into your video recording
If you are planning a video capture of an event with several cameras, it can be interesting to film the reactions of the participants during this one. You’ll bring a human touch to your broadcast by capturing authentic reactions. If you have several cameras connected to your live, you can switch the shots to boost the rendering by inserting shots on the speaker and scenes that show the audience.
In addition, changing plans during the live broadcast of your event will bring a touch of dynamism that is always good!
Be careful though, if you plan to make this kind of montage, you will surely need a slightly larger team. The first will be responsible for the camera that films the speaker and his presentation, while the second will take care of capturing the audience!